Work In Progress/My Work in Progress

Work In Progress

To walk with a companion from condo to condo.
And the Yew, and the Arbutus, and the Maple
To be active, to act, to state, to inhabit this city.

To view: determined by your neighbour’s rooftop.
And the Heron, and the Crow, and the Starling
To develop; to encroach; to choke.

To be a connoisseur of pebble and branch and sushi.
And Little India, and Aberdeen Centre, and Davie Street
To finish. To tarnish. To tear down—

My Work In Progress

I was finished tarnishing. I tore down
Little India, Aberdeen Centre, Davie Street,
became a connoisseurs of pebbles, and branches, and sushi.

I developed, encroached, and choked
herons, crows, and starlings.
But, oh, the view from this rooftop!

I am active. I act. I state. I inhabit this city
between Yew and Arbutus and Maple.
I walk with my companion from her condo to my condo.


Sachiko Murakami is pretty sure the contractor is broke.

Published On
: December 26, 2009
Permanent Location:





Volume 5, Issue 1
December, 2009


by Forget Magazine

False sonnets
by Alexandra Kjuchukova

little domestic murders
by Alexandra Kjuchukova

Vulture Season
by Alayna Munce

Work in progrss/
my work in progress

by Sachiko Murakami

Hole 2
(East Facing West)

by Sachiko Murakami

an independent study of the romantics
by Jen Hyde

Feb 12, 2001 - Present

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6


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Vancouver, BC
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