Little Domestic Murders
By Alexandra Kjuchukova
Last week on Tuesday Judge Judy ruled on a case
between two sisters: one had poisoned the other’s
roaches. The older half-orphan, Mary, was jolted
to find her sizeable pets stretched out on the floor
of the cellar like winged martyrs next to the barrel
of pickled cabbage. Mary, who had been feeding
the roaches her finest cheeses, let out a scream
of irrefutable sorrow, causing the vicious Lilly to drop
a flowerpot to the street from the porch in alarm.
Now Mary demands $500 for dairy, a new line
of roaches, and moral damage, while Lilly denies
responsibility and counter-requires $200 to cover
insult and buy a fresh cactus. The two misses eye
each other. Judge Judy blames them both for
their parents’ wrecked marriage, scolds them, seizes
their food provisions, engorges, dismisses the case
Alexandra Kjuchukova flips through the channels.
Published On: December 26, 2009
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