Dig him in his element: the coolest man
on the planet. Centuries ahead of us
in death and dying: cryogenically composed,
freeze-dried with classic, copper-age tech
perfect for Forensics to cast their magic on:
a test of isotopic composition, gut content,
carbon-dating, has natural causes, accident,
sheer bad luck hard-boiled to a sinister plot
of unknown origin. Confirmed is the presence
of another man’s blood on his knife and yet
another man’s on his cloak. A shoulder wound
in the shape of an arrow matches what we imagine
the shape of an arrow wound to be. Evidence
suggests a hankering for chamois and deer
and a handful of blackthorn sloes in lieu
of beer or wine before that final ascent
into the mountains. Charted, drawn, inked-in,
fifty-seven tattoos says Fritz was a colourful
specimen, but we all know it’s the shoes
that make the man, and his were bearskin,
waterproof and wide, designed for walking
on snow. To follow in his footsteps
is where the young and hip can expect to go
Matthew Rader is a homo sapien.