November, Long Beach
by Amanda Muirhead
This afternoon on the beach rolls by
as silver runners of sea
carry our conversation through the sand.
The damp sides of stones listen
and gather advice for the bearded moss
as we marvel at the bull kelps strength.
But it is the starfish who know us.
No matter how strong the hold is
the tide can still turn you out.
All you are left with is each other
tangled arms and tentacles in orange
pink purple camaraderie.
The secrets of the sea
which have been known to mend
broken hearts and feelers,
lie waiting in tidal pools.
Saltwater emotions rush back to meet us
at the end of the day
at the turning of the moon
full of shivers and silence.
We dream the edges of shores
the algae whisper and turn
trading our secrets
for those of the sea.
Amanda Muirhead
lives with S-Bone.