

Notes on a Poem & the Poem
by Megan Dorrell
July 25th
-a long haired man after selling me pot in the park: welcome
-a man staring at me as we pass in the street. gestures, speaks.
he does not speak english. i keep walking.
-a women across from me on the sky train. counting beads on a
plastic turquoise rosary . prays, moving her lips but making no
sound. she wears no makeup, dark hair and white sandals.
-a young boy at the park. he covers the spout of the public water
fountain with his baseball hat. soaks himself and his surroundings
including a young man who had come over for a drink.
-a beautiful native woman sells me a small skull meant to be put
on a chain. shes made it herself. she likes my tattoos.
-a man outside of the 7-11 on 22nd street. asks me for change.
i give him 1.25. he asks for a cigarette and i give him 2. he
takes this as a sign that i would like to talk. so what do
you do? he asks. i tell him as little as possible. oh,
so you have a boyfriend he says.
-a woman in the bathroom at the lake draws on chocolate coloured
eyebrows. she notices me watching and smiles at me.
-a spanish girl with long bleach blond hair and brown skin walks
by. she pushes a baby carriage and a little boy of about 3 walks
beside her. her hips, butt and breasts are large. she doesnt
smile but doesnt look unhappy either.
-a girl in her backyard tosses up a baton and catches it. on discovering
shes being watched she does not stop but continues on, her
face determined.
* * * * * *
a man walking
across at the light
says he likes my tattoos
ive seen you around,
and lifts his shirt
a pale, hairy stomach,
an uncertain blue tattoo
he winks, walks
the other way

East 29th Ave.
Vancouver, BC
(604) 684-5533
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