I watched the Toronto supposedly not fit for inhaling, for the
first time in a place called Lee's Palace (where my friend Samantha
couldn't see Nirvana when she was eighteen and you had to be nineteen
because when you are eighteen and brown in Oshawa it is not easy
to get a fake ID). I was underground listening to a kind of music
that past me by the first time. I was wearing a cowboy shirt.
Gas was 49 cents a litre. People were rubbing up against each
other; there was breathing and singing. There was a guy on the
speaker who danced the entire night and knew the words to every
song, or at least
looked like he did. No one
sick. If anything, people
looked serene. There was breathing
and dancing brown and white people, some old enough, some not,
and a lot of electricity and I, for one, wasn't scared at all